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H there!  I've been greatly enjoying the game so far -- I've just made it into Act IV.  

I have a feeling there isn't a solution here, but I still need to ask before I go so far as to start the game from the beginning.  I have no fuel points left in game coming out of the end-of-Act-III diner, which is also the location that the gas app brings me to as my "previous shrine."  I have just one manual save (no, I am not smart) and all three of my autosave slots are a few minutes apart in the same diner.

To sum it up, I can't rewind or reload to a point when my party had any money at all for gas.  I'm at literally 0 points.  Do I have any way forward, or is this a self-imposed hell scenario where I'll have to start the game over entirely?

I believe you should be able to reach the next battle on the road when you start act 4. If you try it and run out of fuel before you reach it, that sounds like a bug—please email me your save file to and I'll take a look!

Hey, thanks for the quick turnaround.  I tried just that three times (the first, natural realization that I had no money and not enough gas, and then two more times to try what you just suggested) and in each circumstance the car would sputter to a stop and shift to the gas app right after going from 1 turn left to "NEXT" on the closest location.  

I'm very happy to email my save, but a quick look around my steam folders has not turned up anything obvious.

On Windows, saves are located in %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Love Conquers All Games\Get in the Car Loser\saves

On MacOS, saves are located in either ~/Library/Application Support/Love Conquers All Games/Get in the Car Loser/saves or ~/Library/Application Support/com.loveconquersallgames.gitcl/saves depending on your configuration.

Hello! I've been very interested in this game for a long time. I'd love to buy it directly from you, but also have it on Steam. It is considerably more expensive for me if I purchase it on Steam. Do you provide Steam keys if I purchase on, is it even financially feasible to do so (I don't want to cost you anything)? I can contact you over email about this if you prefer.

Yeah, I can provide Steam keys—they're now available for the base game for anyone who purchases it here! Unfortunately I can't provide DLC keys because of how the backend works. If you don't mind my asking, though, what's the issue with buying on Steam? All the regional prices SHOULD be equivalent to 10 USD or cheaper... is there a region where it's too high?

Firstly, I wasn't looking at the bundle with the soundtrack, I was looking at the total of the game plus both DLCs, which before tax is about $40 CAD (which is about $30 US), but the bundle with the soundtrack DOES equal approximately $25 USD, so that's alright then.

Secondly, I know Steam is going to hit me with 15% tax as I'm in Canada, and I was hoping that Itch wouldn't, but I suspect that after conversion and tax it'll be about the same as it is through Steam anyways, only with more hassle. So I'm just going to go ahead and do it on Steam right now! Thank you for the answer! :)

I recently uncovered this from the forgotten wastes of my unorganized hard drive.  I have a DLC bundle attached to it, but the game doesn't detect any DLC.  Did that get reorganized at some point?


Nope, nothing's been changed about the way DLC is detected since launch. What platform are you on, and what directory is the DLC's .bundle file located in?

Just found the 2nd DLC and am loving it. However, the game locked up when one of the roulette guys lived long enough to use his special, and the "ENEMY ABILITY: The Deadly Roulette Spares No Target" animation just plays endlessly on loop. Not sure if it's related, but the enemy was slowed & staggered (stunned?) when this happened. Can't go to menu or otherwise intervene; had to force-close the game.

Thanks for the report, I really appreciate that. To clarify, do you mean it was the black and white background flash with the ability name on it that just looped endlessly? I'll look into this!

Yes, that's the one!


I played it 2 years ago, and playing it again today. I cannot express how much I love this game. Thank you for making this lesbian roadtrip against faschism game!!!

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